Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy :)

When you talk to few people you just love those moments and really i just want to make this a part of HUM-TUM story.

As few lines came up in my mind which can take place in my HUM-TUM blog but now i don't want to start HUM-TUM again as i just want to come up with something different but not getting a time for think although these few lines pop up in my mind but it mainly relates to HUM-TUM.

Sometimes instant conversation between 2 friends and some conversation or things come out from somewhere that you never felt that it can be said by this person but this thing make you feel how good your friendship and trustworthy.

A same thing happened with me as i was talking to one of my best buddy and an unexpected line told by that friend made me felt so good. It was just an awesome feeling and it made me believe that friends never say that they care for You but they just do. Some are those who shows how much caring they are but those people were never good friends and they will  never be good friends as they do things for their profits and their definition of friend changes with the time or with conditions :)

FRIENDSHIP is like a violin... music may stop now or then, but strings are always attached. like wise even if u be in touch or not .. you are always REMEMBERED !!!!

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